viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

My favorite Game in the Childhood

Hello teacher and friends, in this new publication i will speak about a game that I enjoyed when I was a children, this game was “Tombo” a game similar to baseball but the bat was our hand

When I played Tombo I have four or five years old and my friends had the same age. T

I played this game whit my best friend in this year, your name was Roberto and played every day Tombo,fotball, “pinta” etc. Also played whit other friend that lived in my neighborhood, was a epoch very entertaining

I enjoyed this Game because was a game very entertainig, did not have much difficulty but enjoyed very much playing whit my friends and also succeeded each very funny situations for example occurred falls very funny jajajaja

Also enjoyed the afternoon after the school, I got home, ate somethig,was my homework and after I out of my house and played whit my friends for many hours

The last occasion that I played Tombo was in the school because in the “educacion fisica” my teacher said that played tombo whit my classmates, this was a day very funny because the teams was mixed and some classmates knew not play, for this reason ocurred accident very amusing jajaja

This was my favorite game when I was a Children, I spent a great moment played Tombo, I met very good friends and always I will remember that part of my childhood J

I hope you have enjoyed this post, until in the next post friends


1 comentario:

  1. Hi
    Tombo is great!!! Was really nice the time when we were akid and used play in the Street all day
