lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

A great place in London.

Hi blog buddies, in this post i will speak about one of the places I'd like to meet in London, this place is The Natural history museum of this country.

The easiest way to reach this place is by subway, The museum is located a short distance from the station "South Kensington", apart is very comfortable.

The entrance to this place is free, so it is highly recommended for when you have no money. In this museum you can see different exhibitions on natural history of London, these exhibitions are very dynamic and innovative, so it's pretty amazing what you can see.

I would like to know about this place because I love the natural history and I can compare it to the natural history of my country.

Until the next publication.


2 comentarios:

  1. This museum looks very interesting, and it's free, unlike museums in chile jaja greetings!

  2. Beautiful and interesting place.. and the best part is it's free!
    Regards nico!
