domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

My Friends

Hello my followers, in this post I talk about my best friends, your names are matias, Leonardo, Paulo and Ignacio. they known when I was in the school,in this occasion, us were new students in the school, initially us don’t speek, but when they spent a few days we started talking about music, hobbies, sports, womans,etc, The kids I know them about five years ago and from that moment we are very good friends. The characteristic most important of my friends are your good sense of humour, they have a black humour same that I, other characteristic of my friends is your like for the music, Matias and Leonardo Playing the guitar, they have a band of Metal and are very good.

During this five years, with the boys we have performed different activities together, for example, Ignacio always invites us at your house because he lived in providencia and is the most central place for us, apart your home is very close of “Barrio Bellavista” in this place us drink beer with the boys and share the events that occur in our lives.

They are my best friends, those who support me and they make me laugh, no doubt the best.

until the next post.


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