jueves, 4 de julio de 2013


Hello classmates and followers, in this publication i will speak about a song that i like it, i don´t have a favorite song but in this occasion, my publication is about the song “El Crack” by the Chilean group “Los miserables”. The true is that this band is not one of my favorite band but this song is very special, because represents to many childrend that dream of being footballers and they see in soccer, the only chance to escape of poverty. This song speak about as the childrens transform reality that live in their neighborhoods and the change for typical things of a stadium as for example songs of stadiums, shredded paper, etc. I like this song because be a footballer was a dream that we had with my friends when we were kids therefore I sit fully represented.

I hope you liked my post.

until the next.


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi nico!!! this is a really good song!! and a really good band

    see you

  2. This is a very good song, at my little brothe like too jajaja :)
