lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

My experience in "The blog"

Hi this ocassion, i will talk about the semester of english, about this blog and about my experience write in it. 

In this semester, i enjoyed write in my blog because  think who write in english is a tool very effective in the learning and in my case has been very effective.

My favorite post was the “tv show” post, because i love the tv series and wrote about my favorite serie, “Dragon ball z”, for this reason, this was my favorite post.

My least favorite post was “A great place in London” because writing this post was a Little difficult for my, because i dont know London and I had to search information, but the final was entertaining jaja

My favorite Blog is The blog de imara because always  she tell me your stories and are very funny . The blog most attractive is the blog de kassandra because she write of a form very funny and your stories are very interesting .

As conclusión, in my opinión the blog was a tool very interesting in english, because is a  no convencional form of learning english and is very effective because I learned a lot, for my is hard learn english, but thanks to Blog I can defend me now jajaja

I hope you liked my blog and see you next year

Bye J

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