viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


Hello everyone, in this occasion i will speak about a tragic moment in the history of my country, this tragedy was a earthquake on 27th February, 2010 or also known as "27f" .

That day I was in the flat of the family of my ex girlfriend on the floor number ten of the building. That day we were celebrating her birthday (my ex), there was a lot of food and a lot of drinks and so much people, I remember we were playing videogames with her cousins, talking with her relatives and I was so drunk. that day we went to bed at 2:30 am, and when the earthquake arrived many things happened, first i woke up so fast, we tried to grab on the door frame strongly, all the people tried to do the same, they were so scared and people began to scream all over the flat, the table fell down, the telly fell down too, and all the drink and food was on the floor, also some bottles and glasses was broken. When all was over we cleaned up the entire floor, I had to took the broom to take off the broken bottles, and all of they had to get off the building because could be very dangerous. On the dawn of next day a friend carried me to my house, the city was a real chaos, people were so scared, there was a lot of accidents, all of them was struggling for the petrol and gas, and some people died that day. when I was on home, my family was fine, nothing special happened on house, all our things was ok, so finally I could rest because I hadn´t slept before all this experience.

i hope you enjoy my post,
see you soon,


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