viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

My favorite Game in the Childhood

Hello teacher and friends, in this new publication i will speak about a game that I enjoyed when I was a children, this game was “Tombo” a game similar to baseball but the bat was our hand

When I played Tombo I have four or five years old and my friends had the same age. T

I played this game whit my best friend in this year, your name was Roberto and played every day Tombo,fotball, “pinta” etc. Also played whit other friend that lived in my neighborhood, was a epoch very entertaining

I enjoyed this Game because was a game very entertainig, did not have much difficulty but enjoyed very much playing whit my friends and also succeeded each very funny situations for example occurred falls very funny jajajaja

Also enjoyed the afternoon after the school, I got home, ate somethig,was my homework and after I out of my house and played whit my friends for many hours

The last occasion that I played Tombo was in the school because in the “educacion fisica” my teacher said that played tombo whit my classmates, this was a day very funny because the teams was mixed and some classmates knew not play, for this reason ocurred accident very amusing jajaja

This was my favorite game when I was a Children, I spent a great moment played Tombo, I met very good friends and always I will remember that part of my childhood J

I hope you have enjoyed this post, until in the next post friends


sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

A job

Hello teacher and classmates, in this new publication i will speak about a job  I would like to make this work is to test video games. I would like to work testing video games because I have really enjoyed these consoles since I was a child. For working trying videogames, I need skills to play different games consoles and I also need practice a lot, because I have to be an expert in the video game to get this job. I think this would be a great job because I would pay for doing one of my favorite pastimes and also because it would be a fun job and videogames could share with all my friends

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A funny Walk

Hi friends, in this new post I will speak about a walk that I make this year with my classmates, this walk was in “Reserva nacional Rio Clarillo” located in the commune of Pirque. This walk was with motive of ENEG (encuentro nacional de estudiantes de geografía). In this walk learned about Biogeography in this place, for example about type of tree and animals, also I see the “Rio Clarillo” is very beautiful J .

This walk lasted 2 hours aprox, was in rise, for this reason was very tiring but with my friends was more entertaining. This was the first time that I walk for this place, for this reason was very emotional.

When got to the top, we have a rest with my classmate and other people, but other group continue the walk, this moment was the best of the day because with my friend see the sky and the landscape in generally and was very beautiful, until breathe was more rich because there was no contamination, also ate in the riverbank, was very gracious because was a little difficult eat in this place but was very funny.

When there were that come down, the other people was gone, for this motive, we went down alone, for lucky was very easy and arrived safe and sound jajaja

For this reason I would go again, because is a landscape very beautiful and was a wonderful experience

i hope you enjoy this publication of my favorite walk

until the next post,


viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013


Hi teacher and friends, in this new post i will speak about the marijuana, a taboo subject but  today it is much talk

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013


Hello everyone, in this new post I will talk about me in the future.

In the future I will be living in sealand, a micronation ubicated near of England, This micronation is a platform ubicated in the sea. In this place I would be the geographer, and I would plan all inside the country, whit my friend the prince of sealand, who promise me a very important position in the principality.
In this place I would live with my future 10 wives and with my children, I also would like that my friends live in Sealand whit me, because they love Sealand and will be very happy living here.
that time i want to reached the end of my university career, have a nobility title of sealand, and be playing in the soccer team like the forward football player, or more in the future like the coach of the soccer team.
the world being destroyed so people have will seen the third world war, the people begin to kill each other and an apocalypse zombie will develop on chile, where the plague will expand all over the world, and we were the only population safe around the world on our peacefully nation.

PD: all of you who want to add to my principality please send an e-mail to this direction: or call to my new super cellphone : +5691234567, if you wanna have a super position on the government please send an email whit you facebook page, and attach your expectation about this, you might visit our web page :      thanks.

i hope you enjoy this publication 
until the next post, 

Nicolas Rivas.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


Hello everyone, in this occasion i will speak about a tragic moment in the history of my country, this tragedy was a earthquake on 27th February, 2010 or also known as "27f" .

That day I was in the flat of the family of my ex girlfriend on the floor number ten of the building. That day we were celebrating her birthday (my ex), there was a lot of food and a lot of drinks and so much people, I remember we were playing videogames with her cousins, talking with her relatives and I was so drunk. that day we went to bed at 2:30 am, and when the earthquake arrived many things happened, first i woke up so fast, we tried to grab on the door frame strongly, all the people tried to do the same, they were so scared and people began to scream all over the flat, the table fell down, the telly fell down too, and all the drink and food was on the floor, also some bottles and glasses was broken. When all was over we cleaned up the entire floor, I had to took the broom to take off the broken bottles, and all of they had to get off the building because could be very dangerous. On the dawn of next day a friend carried me to my house, the city was a real chaos, people were so scared, there was a lot of accidents, all of them was struggling for the petrol and gas, and some people died that day. when I was on home, my family was fine, nothing special happened on house, all our things was ok, so finally I could rest because I hadn´t slept before all this experience.

i hope you enjoy my post,
see you soon,
